Fox And Friends Calls Trump Wanting To Bomb Mexico A 'Think Tank' Question

Fox News will go to the ends of the earth to find ways to defend and apologize for Trump's immoral actions and beliefs.

Fox and Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade did his best to defend Trump from the completely credible Mark Esper exposé. Esper's book covers the time he was acting Secretary of Defense, and many of the insane actions Trump wanted to do during that time.

In Esper's book, A Sacred Oath," he revealed that Trump wanted to bomb the cartels in Mexico, which, as any reasonable political person knows, would be considered an act of war.

So how does one turn that into a positive for Trump, you ask?

Check this out.

Esper explained some of Trump's policies were okay in his mind, but his coarseness and divisiveness undermined his own positions.

Kilmeade said Trump wanted to send 250K troops sent to the border, "He couldn't do that."

"[Trump] says he wanted to maybe take out where those cartels were in Mexico," Kilmeade said. Notice Kilmeade never mentioned that Trump wanted to bomb Mexico with missiles, just take them out.

Now for the embarrassing stuff.

Kilmeade asked, “These are almost like think tank questions, when you guys are throwing out ideas, and do you think it’s right to put that in a book?”

Esper replied that sending troops to the border was Stephen Miller's plan.

“But with regard to shooting missiles into Mexico, yes, I thought that was an act of war. It was illegal. It should not happen,” Esper said.

Committing acts of war on our southern neighbor is not a think tank-like question, idiot. The real sin in Kilmeade's brain was that Esper revealed Trump's insanity.

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