Ted Cruz Blubbers About Unlocked Back Doors

NRA members will do and say anything to refuse to pass any laws protecting Americans from high powered weapons of mass destruction.

Sen. Cruz was angry that the press brought up common sense gun measures after the Uvalde massacre that he started yelling that schools having unlocked doors is the real problem.

Cruz got embarrassed yesterday after a Sky News reported made him appear feeble trying to explain why only in America there are school massacres.

It's become a race to the bottom to see which Republican will offer up the most ridiculous and offensive excuses to support semi-automatic killing machines against passing meaningful legislation against assault weapons.

Sen. Cruz yelled at reporters about "the horror that played out across the street."

"The killer entered here. The same where the killer entered Santa Fe. Through a back door. An unlocked back door," Cruz preened.

Let's prosecute unlocked back doors. Jim Jordan must lead a committee investigating them. Maybe they are members of the woke mob?

Cruz ranted, "Including not having unlocked back doors, not having unlocked doors in class rooms and having one door that goes in and out of the school, having armed police officers at that one door.

In a bit of unintentional satire, Ted Cruz' solution to the mass murders of America's school students is that schools must harden themselves and protect themselves from the high-powered weapons of death that Republicans are allowing and promoting to be sold and put in the hands of minors, disturbed teenagers, mentally ill people, domestic abusers, militia members, and out right criminals.

This is treacherous.

Uvalde did almost everything to prepare for a school assault, and still failed to protect those kids.

Sen. Cruz is up there with the best of the worst. Unlike Lee Greenwood, who cancelled his NRA convention appearance, Cruz is still going.

I imagine he'll be angrier at the woke mob that wants to curb AR-15s more than the shooters themselves

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