Medicare Fraudster Rick Scott Flubs Defense Of Extremist GOP Senate Candidates

Florida Republican Senator and medicare fraudster Rick Scott should never be allowed to give an interview without someone asking him why in the hell voters should have ever trusted him with a position of power in our government as well.

Florida Republican Senator and medicare fraudster Rick Scott should never be allowed to give an interview without someone asking him why in the hell voters should have ever trusted him with a position of power in our government as well. Although he was given a pass on his own corrupt background, Face the Nation host Margaret Brennan actually did a pretty good job of holding his feet to the fire when it comes to defending some of the whackaloons his party has running for the United States Senate this year.

As Florida Politics writer A.G. Ganarski wrote this morning, Scott "offered a less than enthusiastic defense of two Senate candidates in Georgia and Arizona while being grilled about the character flaws of GOP nominees." Brennan asked Scott about an interview he did in July, where he said“Let’s start electing people we would hire," and then pressed Scott about their Senate nominees in Georgia and Arizona.

BRENNAN: In a local radio interview in July you talked a lot about your business as an executive and you said we should start electing people that we would hire. In Georgia, Herschel Walker, Republican Senate candidate, has lied about the number of children he has, about his business dealings, his ex-wife said he held a gun to her head and said "I'm going to blow your effing brains out." Blake Masters said that Al Qaeda doesn't actually pose substantial threat to Americans. I have a list of candidates here who have said some pretty troubling things. Would you hire these people to work for you?

Scott, of course, was unable to defend either of them, and Brennan continued to push him after his lame response.

SCOTT: Well, you would go through each person, but I'm not the one doing it. It's the voters of those states doing it. The voters of those states are going to make a choice.

BRENNAN: You're trying to help Senate Republicans and lead them to victory. These are your candidates.

SCOTT: So, you know, Margaret, as you remember, the voters in Arizona will choose who they're going to vote for. They'll choose between Blake Masters and Mark Kelly. Mark Kelly has voted for tax increases, for cutting Medicare. He's voted with Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden much of the time.

This election is going to be about all the bad things that have happened. The fact that we're going into a recession, the fact that, you know, inflation is at 9%, that gas prices are up $2, all these things, that's what people are looking at.

Now would have been a good time for Brennan to bring up Scott's own past with Medicare fraud, or the fact that it's his party and not Democrats that are the ones coming for Social Security and Medicare, or that gas prices are going down. She didn't do that, but did continue to press Scott on the candidates he is supposed to be helping to get elected.

BRENNAN: These are your Senate Republican candidates. These are your candidates. [...] Would you hire them?

SCOTT: The voters of these states will decide whether to hire them. I get to vote in the state of Florida. It's a choice between two people. Look, the -- all the Democrat nominees are -- are basically Biden clones. By the way --

BRENNAN: But you would acknowledge, you would acknowledge that if somebody went in for an interview for a private corporation, these things would come up as red flags to HR.

SCOTT: Margaret, Biden is not campaigning with anybody because he's toxic. That's how the voters think. That's why they say 72 percent of Americans say the economy is on the wrong track. When that happens people say I'm going to take a serious look at somebody else. The candidates tell them what they're going to do. Everybody knows exactly who the Democrats are. That's what's going to happen all across the country and we're going to have races and we'll see what happens.

So in other words, "no." He knows they're toxic, but he should be as well. Sadly, he's allowed to come on and pollute our airways, and is never held accountable for his own actions.

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