Glenn Youngkin Claims Virginia Is A 'Border State'
The CRT-loving governor now lies about the fentanyl deaths in his state to justify the border nonsense.
Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin amplified the new detail-free GOP talking points by lying to Fox News with the absurd claim Virginia is now a border state because of the amount of Fentanyl overdoses in his state.
Reciting the Commitment to America practically verbatim, Gov. Youngkin used their laughable and nondescript agenda to launch into his prepared remarks to Fox News host John Roberts.
"It's the reality that the border is a national security crisis that's impacting all states," Youngkin said. "Virginia is a border state because of the fentanyl overdoses that we're dealing with," he said.
In reality, Virginia is not at all experiencing massive increases in fentanyl deaths and ODs. On the contrary, their overdose rates rank in the lower half of states. The biggest killer in Virginia is Covid-19. [CDC map here, and stats here]
Lying is what Republicans excel at.
Every Republican must reinforce their lies about drug overdoses and the border, because that is their poll-tested marching orders for the midterms.
Recycling old bad ideas is all they have. The only person happy about this new/old ploy of claiming they will close the border and stop opioid overdoses may be zombie Nancy Reagan.
Fox News is doing its right-wing propaganda duty admirably by giving millions of dollars of free airtime to Republicans from all over the country to go on live and repeat their MAGA talking points over and over again with nary a question as to its substance asked.