Ted Lieu: 'Biden Lowered Gas Prices And Republicans Are Upset'
Didn't House Republicans RUN on lowering gas prices?
During a debate over "Oil & Natural Gas Drilling on Federal Land" on the House floor earlier today, Rep. Ted Lieu got to the heart of the issue angering Republicans.
"I can summarize this debate of the last two days into one sentence. Joe Biden lowered your gas prices, and Republicans are upset about it," Rep. Lieu said. "That's what this is about. Joe Biden lowered the gas prices last year, and that makes Republicans mad."
"How do we know? They said it out loud. The gentlewoman from Georgia earlier this morning just said that Joe Biden lowered your gas prices for political reasons," he said. "I don't care why the president lowers your gas prices. If any president can lower your gas prices, we should support that president's action."
Rep. Lieu's words were also in response to Marjorie Taylor Greene's Oil Reserve amendment that went down in flames yesterday with an embarrassingly bad vote for the Georgia Congresswoman.