Jesse Watters Is Losing It Over Trump Indictment

Right-wing hypocrisy knows no bounds.

After the New York Times reported that Trump would be indicted by a Manhattan grand jury, in defense of Trump, Fox News host Jesse Watters said something truly astounding.

Fox News host Trey Gowdy said the indictment was a farce because the charges should be misdemeanor and this is the beginning of the end for the US justice system..

"Trey, did Democrats just indict a former president over sex?" Watters whined.

Republicans developed a whole cottage industry in the 90s dedicated to destroy Bill Clinton over fellatio with Monica Lewinsky, which has turned into Fox News, Pizzagate, QAnon and The MAGA cult of today. However, Clinton didn't use campaign monies to pay off Lewinsky to keep her quiet so the affair wouldn't ruin his chances of being elected.

"Because we were told during the 90s that it was just sex and it was just a private deal and it had nothing to do with politics and nothing to do with policy," Watters ranted. "Weren't we told that?"

"And you have to understand, [Trump] says he didn't have sex with this woman. She had her hand out -- So it's either a consensual sexual encounter or its a shakedown," Watters cried. "Democrats want to make that a felony?"

Watters seems not to remember when Trump admitted on tape to sexually assaulting many, many, women because he was a celebrity.

Michael Cohen predicted this was a big problem for Trump years ago.

Trump got ahead of the indictment last week and tried to intimidate the grand jury and the Manhattan DA, and it first appeared he dodged a bullet for the time being, but once again, Trump lost bigly.

Update: There's more from him, including the threat that "people had better be careful."

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