Sean Spicer Screeches: WH Press Corp Was Mean To Him
The first and the most humiliated of Trump's press secretary's ranted...
The first Trump White House press secretary turned Newsmax host Sean Spicer screeched like a high-pitched barn owl because Karine Jean-Pierre called out quack reporter Simon Ateba for constantly interrupting yesterday's proceedings.
Spicer tried to gloss over that he was vilified for lying about the size of Trump's inauguration at his first WH press briefing as press secretary and his tenure went downhill from there.
The Newsmax host was furious that other correspondents supported Karine Jean-Pierre's efforts in trying to control the off-the-wall East Africa reporter.
"I mean, I gotta say, I never had anything like that happened to me while I was there," Spicer said.
The Newsmax fly boy attacked the WH press association for never sticking up for him. Spicer pretended he was an excellent press secretary.
"They believe the big guys, ABC News, The Washington Post, The Wire reporters, they should get the questions first, not the other folks," Spicer cackled. "I did the exact opposite. I started in the back of the room. I made sure other reporters got a chance to ask a question. I worked from the back to the front. That's right."
That's some weak sauce.
If the only thing Spicer can brag about from his tenure as a White House press secretary is calling some of the reporters from the back of the room, then that only serves as a reminder of how awful he was.
"Despite the antics of John Karl, Jim Acosta, Brian Karam, April Ryan, during my time, the White House Correspondents Association, they never put out a statement condemning their outbursts and antics," Spicer cried.
Poor baby. The press corp constantly fought with Spicer because he lied so much from the podium.
Jim Acosta and April Ryan didn't interrupt him because they weren't called on.
Who could ever forget Melissa McCarthy's iconic SNL in her Spicer role?
Melissa McCarthy was virtually unrecognizable as Sean Sphincter, the angry, screaming troll Press Secretary who likes props, pointing, alternative facts and ill-fitting suits.
Here are some other humiliating moments from Spicer's days.