Fox Desperately Spins DeSantis Debate Debacle As His Campaign Collapses

Fox's Tammy Bruce was determined to put a happy face on the "debate" debacle between Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and California Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Fox's Tammy Bruce was determined to put a happy face on the "debate" debacle between Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and California Gov. Gavin Newsom. The debate was a mess, with Hannity doing his best to help out his buddy DeSantis, and the Newsom team should have known they were never going to get a fair shake from Hannity.

But it didn't go well for DeSantis despite all the help he got from Hannity. And his campaign seems to be in free fall, with the head of one of his PACs quitting a little over a week ago, and another one quitting this week.

As usual, it was upside-down land over on Fox, with them showing some short clips of the "debate" and pretending everything went perfectly for DeSantis, and pretending anything that came out of Newsom's mouth was "word salad."

BRUCE: You know, once again, it's a word salad. He's very much like Kamala Harris, right? And this is what you have to be when the facts are against you. You've got, it's like a magic trick, you have to distract people so they don't see what is going on under that cup.

So he is Kamala Harris. This is what the Democrats offer people, which is a lot of noise, some sound, but at the same time, this is important, when we're talking about facts and this is what I think Ron DeSantis did very well with.

He was prepared. It was smooth, but also authentic, a genuine guy, somewhat imperfect and Americans now can determine immediately if you're dealing with a sharp, slimy guy and the two can go together, or someone who, and they learned this from Trump, someone who may be kind of is like shocking you a little bit, but he means it.

And you know that he's serious and he's consistent. This was a valuable, certainly for DeSantis and for the Republicans to learn this, that it's not just about not being Gavin Newsom, we saw Ron DeSantis last night, as well, and the border is key. Every state is a border state now. He's not the only one and certainly Florida is. There is water at one part of that dynamic of a border state, so Americans now with our lives in a free fall, the economy in a free fall, the world at war, Jews being attacked, are now maybe we don't need, you know, the smart-looking guy who's greasy with the hair and has the smarmy look and the head swivels and the grin. Enough already!

"Smooth" and "authentic" are some of the last words that would ever come to mind watching DeSantis in action. And our economy is not in "free fall." Every accusation is a confession and as always, it's pure projection in right wing fantasy land.

We'll see how much longer DeSantis stays in the race. He definitely did not do himself any favors participating in this mess no matter how hard they try to spin it on Murdoch's propaganda channel.

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