Kansas Senator: Trump 'Is Going To Be President Of National Security'

That's what Mussolini promised, too. But Senator Roger Marshall is determined to dismiss any threat from Trump.

Kansas Senator Roger Marshall wants everyone to know Donald Trump is really harmless. He's not that terrible democracy-destroying monster he promises to be but instead is a stalwart force for national security.

That's right. Senator Marshall wants to make us think the guy who bowed before Vladimir Putin (because he is the apple of Putin's eye) on the international stage and fell in love with Kim Jong Un is the guy who will take care of national security. Take care of it, I guess, the same way Tommy Tuberville did when he blocked hundreds of military promotions, right?

"So President Trump spends a lot of time just shining a flashlight and letting that left national media chase the flashlight a lot," Marshall told Maria Bartiromo. "So I wouldn't overreact to every word he says, but he's going to be the president of national security."

And by that, he means that what Trump says he will do -- create an autocratic dictatorship -- is exactly what he will do.

"He's going to secure the border," he vowed. "He's going to make the economy strong."

Hint: The economy is stronger today than it's been in decades. What Marshall means by "make the economy strong" is really that he will cut taxes even more for billionaires while screwing the middle class workers.

And finally, "His enemies will fear us and respect us."

I'm not sure who Trump's enemies are. Putin is his boyfriend and Kim Jong Un is his lover. He doesn't have much use for Volodomir Zelenskyy, but after Trump hands Ukraine to Putin that shouldn't be a problem for anyone but Ukraine. Trump loves strongmen, and wants to be one. So I'm pretty sure the Orbáns of the world won't fear or respect us.

They didn't last time he had the nuclear codes. Why would they now?

Mussolini made the same promises, Senator. And no one doubts that he was a fascist. No one.

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