FFS! MSNBC Hosts Swoon Over 'Changed' Trump

All it took was a certain look on Trump's face to make MSNBC anchors Katy Tur and Chris Jansing swoon.

Mainstream press and cable news are doing their damnedest to normalize Trump, even more so after the shooting attempt on Saturday and it's made clear by this segment on MSNBC.

Trump suffered a shock, a traumatic event which he still hasn't processed, but to MSNBC host Katy Tur, the look on his face is all she needs to justify his epic change.

TUR: There are questions about what really is going to change with Donald Trump and there's also quite a bit of skepticism out there because there have been so many moments before where people have said he'd make a pivot, like he'd walk into the Oval Office and the weight of the office, the weight of the presidency would hit him.

He'd sit at the Resolute desk and he'd realize that he had to be more of a uniter than a divider. Maybe he'd start with infrastructure instead of starting with a more divisive policy on immigration. There are all these conversations that we've had so many times in the past.

Is this really going to be different?

I don't know.

But I will tell you, even just looking at his face in this video that we're seeing right now, I've never seen Donald Trump with a look like that in his face.

Not once in the very long time that I've been covering him.

I've never seen that look.

JANSING: It looks almost pensive, Katie.

TUR: Serene.

JANSING: Hmm. Not a word we normally have associated with Donald Trump.

The Beltway press follows the leader so when Axios proclaimed Trump would have a shift in "tone" others followed to prove the point.

I was in a traumatic car accident almost a year ago and it affected me deeply and for a long time. And it still does.
If you saw the look on my face soon afterwards in the hospital would you be able to then discern my entire outlook on life?
If I smiled or nodded, would that give you a clear indication of something?

This is high level normalization. This is like reading a person's body language like Fox News does against any Democratic politician they want to smear.

Only this is worse because she's just analyzing a facial expression or as Tur said, "a look."

Have the MSNBC hosts been around Traitor Trump, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year?

Maybe he's had this look many times when the media is not watching him.

He may sound kinder this week because it benefits his image, but he will gut the Constitution and civil liberties in a heartbeat, with his lapdog happily overturning the election if he loses.

Either way, Trump will not change at all.

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