Charlie Kirk's Gross Racist Attack On Haitian Migrants

These MAGA creeps don't even bother to hide their love of Neo-Nazi tropes.

The hate that emanates from the MAGA cult is revolting and is typified by none other than Charlie Kirk.

Taking his cue from the vicious, crazy, debunked rumor that Haitian migrants in Ohio are stealing and eating your pets, and feasting on murdered ducks in parks, Kirk went on a Neo-Nazi infused racist rant dehumanizing Haitians in the process.

Kirk explicitly sites this latest lunacy as proof that the great replacement has begun.

KIRK: More and more people are speaking up about what has happened to their town. They're talking about how their hospitals, schools, and social services are being overwhelmed. They're talking about vagrants moving onto their lawns and they fear all sorts of crime. And now they're talking about something even crazier.

Allegedly, Haitians are going around and taking people's pets and eating them. The duck pond in a local park is being picked clean. So allegedly, you have Haitians in this town of Springfield, Ohio that are going by and eating ducks.

The press says there's no evidence about this. But, of course, we don't trust the media.

Kirk uses the phrase "allegedly" describing the petabalism a few times because he knows it's a lie, but it was too juicy for him to not use.

"Every time an American dies at the hands of an illegal immigrant, they're spiking the football in the Oval Office and in the Kamala Harris re-election campaign, one step closer to the Great Replacement," Kirk proclaimed.

Boom, there it is.

KIRK: We closed their factories. We flooded their communities with fentanyl and with opioids. And then to add insult to injury on top of the factories being closed and their sons and their workers overdosing on drugs, we're going to go send you a bunch of Haitians.

Here is the Springfield City Council meeting describing what these Haitians are doing in Springfield, Ohio.

The press says there's no evidence about this.

Who is the "we?"

Kirk then played video of a man, that Kirk made sure to reference as a Black man in case his viewers never saw one as proof.

MAN: These Haitians are running into trash cans. They're running into buildings. They're running into, they're flipping cars in the middle of the street. They're in the park, grabbing up ducks by their neck and cutting their head off and walking off with them and eating them.

They apparently have Herculean strength.

KIRK: We will bring in the violent, the third world, the uncivilized into your small bedroom community. We the people are second class citizens under Kamala Harris.

And Springfield, Ohio is just yet the latest example of an American ruling class that took their jobs away, flooded the zone with fentanyl and then replaces it with a third world.

There you go. That's as Neo-Nazi as it gets.

Who needs Nick Fuentes when they have Charlie Kirk?


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