Vance Encourages MAGA Weirdos To Harass Residents In Springfield

This is what insanity looks like.

The sheer mendacity that J.D. Vance highlights while continuing to push an already debunked lie makes him unfit to serve Ohio in the Senate and certainly means he is unfit to ever be vice president of the United States under a 78-year-old bloviating blowhard. If Donald were elected, his mini-me, J.D. Vance, would be a heartbeat from the presidency. And yet, Vance has failed to represent the people of his state well.

Vance challenged people at a campaign rally to go to Springfield, Ohio, while continuing to push his false and already debunked lie that Haitian immigrants are eating residents' pets. Vance is doing this to his own state.

"What I said is that we create media stories," Vance said once again. "In other words, we focus the people's attention on what's already going on."

"Do you, does anybody really think, I challenge you, go to Springfield, Ohio, which has been overwhelmed by 20,000 Haitian immigrants, go to any community that's been overwhelmed by Kamala Harris's illegal alien policies, and tell me that these are stories made up by politicians," he added.

So, Vance wants to flood the city with MAGA weirdos, and what are they going to do - knock on doors to ask, "Hey, is anyone eating a dog in there?" Or, "What are y'all doing in there? J.D. Vance wants to know." Sounds legit!

That doesn't sound like freedom to me; It's utter madness.

Haitians legally migrated to Springfield due to the availability of jobs (thanks, Joe Biden!) and low cost of living. Republican Governor of Ohio Mike DeWine said businesses in the area are grateful to have the help of a growing labor force, adding that the Haitians have helped the economy.

Vance is terrorizing his own state. Legal immigrants in Springfield are afraid to leave their homes now. City buildings and schools had to close for days. And all because of two men, Donald J. Trump, a serial liar, and J.D. Vance, a power-hungry man with no conscience, who continue to propagate a lie about hard-working people.

Vance thinks inundating the town with a shitload of MAGA lunatics will provide cover for his disgusting lie. A Trump supporter claimed that her cat mysteriously vanished. As it happens, the cat, Miss Sassy, was hanging out in the basement -- sort of how my cat does sometimes. And we're supposed to believe that the man who bizarrely blasted "childless cat ladies" is now concerned about cats.

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