September 18, 2024

JD Vance defended his slander about Haitian immigrants eating pets during a rally yesterday, saying that “the media has a responsibility to fact-check” stories – not him. Because he's so special, I guess. Did you hear he went to Yale? So when he spouts bullshit meant to inflame and divide, why, he's just repeating what people told him. Via the Guardian:

The rally in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, came two days after the Ohio senator told CNN host Dana Bash it was OK “to create stories” to draw attention to issues his constituents care about, regarding inflammatory and unfounded claims that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, had eaten residents’ pets.

The comments, in which he appeared to say that politicians can brazenly lie, drew immediate rebuke. But during his rally, Vance defended them and claimed that numerous constituents had told him “they’d seen something in Springfield”.

“On top of it, if there are certain people who refuse to listen to them, who refuse to take their concerns seriously,” he said, “that’s when it’s my job as United States senator to listen to my constituents.”

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