MAGA Candidate Wants Women To Get Their Vajayjays 'Under Control'
Thank you, you fascist chud, for handing the race to the Democrat.
The gubernatorial race here in North Carolina is bonkers. On the one hand, we have NC Attorney General Josh Stein, a scandal-free Democrat with a lengthy list of endorsements, including from Reproductive Freedom for All, a group for women's reproductive rights. And then there is Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, a Trump-endorsed candidate plagued with scandals. Even Republicans are distancing themselves from him.
Robinson and his wife, who has scandals of her own, including ripping off the Girl Scouts, recently revealed the "no compromise on abortion" candidate, who allegedly frequented 24-hour porn shops, had an abortion procedure.
A new video has surfaced, and it's incredibly creepy as he tells Hilltop Baptist Church members in Thomasville, North Carolina:
“All this giving out of birth control and advising people how. Here’s how you don’t have a baby: You don’t have what you do to make a baby until you’re ready to have that baby.”
Sure, tell that to Trump, an adjudicated rapist, who believes that when you're powerful, you can grab women by the "pussy" without consent.
Via HuffPost:
“Particularly we love to tell our young women that. We want to empower you,” he said mockingly in his 2022 remarks. “We want to help you to build up your mind so you can be empowered.”
Robinson proposed what he called “a novel idea” to the audience.
“Why don’t you use some of that building up of your mind and building up of empowerment to move down here, to this region down here,” he said, moving his hand in circles around his stomach and crotch. “Get this under control.”
“See, because this region right here, that’s the only region on your body that can make life and take life,” he continued. “If there’s anything we need to be telling our young people, it’s they need to be responsible with their reproductive systems. That means you don’t lay down and act like you’re making a baby til you’re ready to have a baby.”
And that's when he got into birth control. He's not a fan.
“All this giving out of birth control and advising people how,” he said. “Here’s how you don’t have a baby: You don’t have what you do to make a baby until you’re ready to have that baby.”
The video doesn’t show the faces of attendees at this church event, but a handful of them can be heard agreeing with Robinson on that last point.
“You be responsible with your body. That’s a novel idea,” he said. “Has not reached our school system, sadly.”
Teaching about birth control is responsible. Stein holds a commanding lead over Robinson. A new WRAL News Poll shows Stein making gains with women, conservatives, and rural voters. Like Kamala Harris, Stein is garnering Republican support, not just Democratic. People are exhausted by the shitshow in politics.