Fox News Host: People Don't Get Fat Eating Pizza In Europe

Make the stupid stop; it hurts.

Fox and Friends host Ainsley Earhardt was so enthusiastic and effervescent about her love of RFK Junior that I broke up a short video clip into two articles.

The first short segment out was about how Ainsley believed the anti-VAX crackpot cures autism and cancer in children.

That in itself would put any political pundit in a white straitjacket.

Her second point was just as ludicrous when she claimed that people do not gain weight eating pizza and pasta in Europe. She did this while also soft-pedaling RFK Jr.'s hatred of the polio vaccine.

EARHARDT: It's wonderful that he wants to clean up our food.

Our foods in Europe, when we go to Europe, we can eat pasta, we can eat pizza, we don't gain any weight. I know you walk a lot, but you don't gain weight. You feel fresh, you feel clean.

You come back here, start eating pasta, and gain weight immediately.

Again, so there's something wrong with our foods.

It's the pesticides, the chemicals. We want all of that out.

We're excited that he's a leader.

He's very knowledgeable. He has said he's going to give you a choice.

He's not going to take away vaccines. Everyone's not going to get polio.

Don't you feel better knowing only some people will get polio? RFK Jr is not knowledgeable about medicine. He's a cancer.

Pizza and pasta do not have pesticides in them. Where does Ainsley buy her pasta and pizza from? Her local Raid eatery?

Any parent who refuses to give their children the polio vaccine should be arrested for child endangerment.

Ainsley's overwrought hyping of everything Trump and RFK Jr is telling. It's a symptom of Trump derangement syndrome at its worst.

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