Kate Obenshain Plays The Victim Card For Palin At Reagan Event
The Young America’s Foundation’s Vice President Kate Obenshain introduced Sarah Palin at their conference celebrating the anniversary of what would have been Ronald Reagan’s 100th birthday at the Reagan Ranch. Obenshain started out by
Obenshain then proceeded to give us this bit of gag-inducing history revisionism on the grifter half-term Governor Palin. Someone needs to direct Obenshain to Jon Perr's post where he broke down what today's conservatives would actually have thought about St. Ronnie. I also think Obershain might be spending a little too much time hanging out with the likes of John Ziegler. If not, they both have definitely been reading off of the same set of talking points.
OBENSHAIN: Now in 2008 conservatives felt again that we had lost our way. We had strayed so far from the vision of Ronald Reagan. The media and many on the left even declared the end of conservatism. Then seemingly from out of nowhere another leader emerged. A woman from humble origins, self made and hard working, an entrepreneur married to her high school sweetheart; a woman who has taken on the establishment time and time again and won.
She had become a mayor and then governor, not for the glory, but because this busy mom saw jobs that needed to be done and she knew how to do them. So she sacrificed an easier way because she loved the state and she loved her freedom more than she loved her comfort. Because of her courage and her ingrained sense of right and wrong she stood tall for freedom even when she was told to sit down.
Time and time again she ignored the establishment on both the left and the right and she did what she believed was right for her family and her country, without even intending to, she led the largest spontaneous grassroots movement our nation has ever seen. She brought other hard working, tax paying, law abiding, god loving Americans who have never even considered being civic activists to their feet saying “Enough is enough.”
And in large measure because of her courage and the fire she sparked in others our nation sent a profound philosophical message that transcends party lines to its leaders, “Change course.”
What thanks has she gotten? Those feminists who claim they want to see more women in leadership positions, they’ve led the charge in the most stunning assault of the character of a good and honorable person that we have seen in the public sphere. For her outspoken courage, for her beliefs in those founding principles that Reagan championed, she along with her family have faced scorn and derision. But it hasn’t stopped her. It has just made her stronger.