Code Pink Tries To Arrest Karl Rove And The Right Wingers Freak

You go, girls. Jodie Evans: You outed a CIA officer, you lied to take us to Iraq. You ruined the country. You totally ruined the country. Wonket

You go, girls.

Jodie Evans: You outed a CIA officer, you lied to take us to Iraq. You ruined the country. You totally ruined the country.


Fancy book-author Karl Rove went to Beverly Hills last night to take questions about his very very gay dad. But then Code Pink showed up to make a citizen’s arrest, and Karl had no security! Was he able to beat up these ladies good? Also, someone brings up the Downing Street Memo, which Rove calls a fabrication — just like in 2005!

Lying us into a war is the kinda thing that can get people a tad bit upset. Does Rove really think he's going to be welcomed at book events like he is with Jay Leno or on FOX News? Poor Michele Malkin was shaken to her core over the event. I'd figure it would just roll off her back since she stalks children and family's like Graeme Frost because she disagrees on a policy level. Hey, she even goes to their homes for a little chat.

UPDATE: TP commenter Mr. Ed notes that Malkin visited the Frost’s home and business today. A coworker of Mr. Frost tells Malkin that the family is “struggling,” but she refuses to believe it.

Jane Hall was on FOX and was shocked that the right wingers attacked a 12 year old boy.

Jane Hall on the Frost family: Right Wing bloggers swiftboated a 12-year old boy!"

Malkin and her kind are shocked that Rove would be confronted by the very un-scary Code Pink, but takes pride in stalking children. Nice.

Also read: Malkin Debases Herself With Further Attacks On A 12 Year Old. C&L Exclusive Quote!

They can sure dish it out, but they can't take even a light little pink-colored whiff of it.

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