FOX News Reprints GOP Talking Points As FOX Facts Again

FOX has already been busted doing the old copy and paste routine of GOP talking points and using them as their own news which they apologized for. D

FOX has already been busted doing the old copy and paste routine of GOP talking points and using them as their own news which they apologized for. Do they think people will not notice it again? They have so far gone over the line because of ratings that Howard Kurtz will be forced to scold them again.

KURTZ: Come on. You shouldn't be apologizing for that, even if we were to buy that it was a coincidence that you happened to make the same mistake on the date of the article. You should be apologizing for using partisan propaganda from the GOP without telling your viewers where it came from. Talk about missing the point.

Media Matters:

During the April 1 edition of Fox News' Happening Now, while co-host Jon Scott interviewed Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), Fox News aired "FOXfact[s]" purporting to describe facts about the House Republican budget. However, all of the seven on-screen "FOXfact[s]" were nearly identical to portions of an op-ed Ryan published in that day's Wall Street Journal. For example, using nearly identical language, Fox News and Ryan's op-ed both characterized President Obama's cap-and-trade proposal as a "scheme." Ryan wrote, "We do these things by rejecting the president's cap-and-trade scheme"; the "FOXfact" stated that the "GOP budget rejects the president's cap-and-trade scheme."...read on.

They also apologized for dishonestly splicing tape on VP Joe Biden also.

Has anyone caught them dishonestly doing anything to the Republican Party, evah?

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