FOX News got busted splicing a six month old video clip to make a compilation clip appear Biden said the "fundamentals of the economy is stong."
MacCALLUM: Yesterday during a segment on the recent change in tone from President Obama’s economic team, we inadvertently used a piece of video of Vice President Biden saying “the fundamentals of the economy are strong.” This video was from the campaign trail when the vice president was a candidate and was actually quoting Sen. John McCain. When we get something wrong we admit it. We did so yesterday, and for that we apologize.
Nope, when you get busted lying you recognize it. But that's what we expect from the Roger Ailes run operation. They are on a mission to destroy President Obama. Just try to watch one full day of their coverage. I dare you.
Dave N: I dunno about this, John. As the guy assigned to cover Fox for our readers, I can testify that watching Fox causes brain damage. I've lost 4 IQ points just since January! Not to mention the creeping paranoia. Daring anyone to watch them for a full day is like triple-dog-daring Flick to stick his tongue on that frozen flagpole -- you know it's not going to turn out well.