Glenn Beck Hits Back At Bill Kristol

I used to write posts called 'When Conservatives Collide' when Brit Hume and Bill Kristol used to duke it out on FOX News Sundays back in 2005 and it was always a fun time. Now that Beck has entered into his full-frontal John Bircher mode over

When Conservatives Collide' when Brit Hume and Bill Kristol used to duke it out on FOX News Sundays back in 2005 and it was always a fun time. Now that Beck has entered into his full-frontal John Bircher mode over Egypt, Bill Kristol has pulled out his Ginsu knives. Monday, Beck responded to Kristol's earlier remarks.
Politics Daily:

On his radio show Monday, Glenn Beck hit back hard at Bill Kristol over comments Kristol made in a recent column.

"People like Bill Kristol. I don't think they stand for anything anymore," said Beck. "All they stand for is power. They'll do anything to keep their little fiefdom together, and they'll do anything to keep the Republican power entrenched."

Beck was responding to a Weekly Standard column Kristol recently authored, which said:

When Glenn Beck rants about the caliphate taking over the Middle East from Morocco to the Philippines, and lists (invents?) the connections between caliphate-promoters and the American left, he brings to mind no one so much as Robert Welch and the John Birch Society. He's marginalizing himself, just as his predecessors did back in the early 1960s.

Beck continued slagging Kristol on his Fox News show Monday afternoon, declaring that the Egyptians' conception of freedom is so radically different from ours that the only possible outcome for "freedom" in Egypt is a totalitarian Islamic caliphate. Only one side can be right, he declared: Bill Kristol's side, or the view from Planet Beck.

Good times, good times. I don't like much of anything that comes out of either of these two, so it's nice to see them go MMA on each other. This is the same battle the Buckleys and Welches have had for decades and it will never stop. Pass me the popcorn please.

Beck also claimed that Kristol does not understand that "we are fighting the forces of evil on this planet."

Geez. If you were asked to name which conservative made that statement, you could safely say, "they all do." They're all heroes in their own minds.

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