Hutaree Michigan Militia Leader Was A Ron Paul Fanatic Who Believed The Antichrist Was On The Way

Hutaree Michigan Militia leader was a Ron Paul fanatic who believed the Antichrist was on the way

Andrea March, the ex-fiance of the leader of the Hutaree militia group, spoke with Shepard Smith and said that David Brian Stone was a Ron Paul fanatic who was afraid that Obama would take away his guns. Where have we heard that one before? Oh, it reminds me of the Richard Poplawski saga. (rough transcript)

Marsh: When Obama took the presidency is when he lost it because he was a Ron Paul fanatic.

Smith: Ron Paul fanatic, what does that have to do with ?

Marsh: To tell you the truth I don't know. I never really understood why Ron Paul was so much different, but he thought he could get away with anything and he wanted more freedoms than what he had and he was trying to do it through the violence.

Smith: Do you know what was his particular concern was with the current government? Was he worried they would take his guns away?

Marsh: Well yes, he clearly believed in guns and having them and he didn't think . He didn't want to have a driver's licence, he didn't want to fill out any census papers

Smith: Oh.

Marsh: He wanted to own guns unregistered....


And he is said to have believed that anti-Christ was on the way and he wanted to do something about that?

Yes, he explained to us that through the bible the world was going to end in war and Christ wanted us to do this. Now he couldn't prove that to anyone, but the kids always listened to him.

Ron Paul's brand of anti-government rhetoric influenced Stone greatly which also fed into his 'End Timer' philosophy. And in this case, Obama was the anti-Christ.

These outbreaks of violent right-wing "cells" within our country will only increase, unfortunately. We can only hope that the feds and local law enforcement keep up the great work, or people will really get hurt.

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