James Dobson Out

James and Shirley Dobson call in to FRC Prayercast, December 2009 James Dobson was forced out of his leadership position by FOF. Dobson is - was -

James and Shirley Dobson call in to FRC Prayercast, December 2009

James Dobson was forced out of his leadership position by FOF.

Dobson is - was - THE leader of the religious right. They didn't come any badder than him. I remember a Republican friend telling me, only a few years back, that the GOP tended to think of the religious right as nutballs, other than Dobson. Dobson they feared.

Not any more.

A prominent friend and supporter of James Dobson believes Dobson was pushed aside by the new leadership of Focus on the Family, who want the powerhouse evangelical ministry to project a softer image on issues ranging from abortion to gay marriage to relations with President Obama.

"[T]the board of directors voted privately on Wednesday -- before we got there -- to ask for my resignation, although their request was made with kindness and respect. We can only guess the reason for their decision because frankly I don't fully know," Dobson said. "But it apparently has to do with the desire for closure on my tenure and the beginning of another."

The article goes on to quote our good friend, arch-homophobe Pastor Ken Hutcherson. You might remember Hutcherson from a few years back when we were both sparring over Microsoft's support for gay rights (I won).

This article substantiates everything Joe and I have been writing for the past year. The LEAD religious right group forces out the LEAD religious leader because he's too harsh on abortion and gay rights.

His legacy will live on only in a much kinder and softer version. They will use fluffy pillows to attack gay rights and the pro-choice community and the Villagers will be awed.

Mormons don't really like each other very much except when they want to attack Liberals.

The first order of business was for Beck and Dobson to lovingly embrace each other like long lost lovers for the FOX followers because in late December Dobson was forced to take down a Beck article off his website because Glenn is part of the Mormon Cult. Pam has the story.

Dobson Caves to Evangelicals Who Call Glenn Beck a Cultist

Good times, good times. To dispel the so-called rumors of a rift between the two, Beck says he got a Christmas card from Dobson and oh, how they are so much in love.

Dobson: Boy Glenn, I have no idea where that came from. It's just goofy.

It came from his Christian followers. Ahhh, all is forgiven...Now to the meat of the segment. It's about a "moment of silence" law passed in Ill. back in '07 that was rejected by America's governor, (Blagojevich) but was still passed through his veto. Just another coded attempt at injecting religion into the public school system. A lawsuit was then filed:...read on

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