Jesus Weaponized

[media id=11577] (h/t CSPANjunkie) This story is a few days old, but I had to get it out here on C&L. We've seen the religious right infiltrate the


This story is a few days old, but I had to get it out here on C&L. We've seen the religious right infiltrate the military over the years, but this is getting very nutty.

Putting Bible codes on weapons is actually a smear of Christianity. Maybe not for these freaks.

"It allows the Mujahedeen, the Taliban, al Qaeda and the insurrectionists and jihadists to claim they're being shot by Jesus rifles," he said.

Weinstein, an attorney and former Air Force officer, said many members of his group who currently serve in the military have complained about the markings on the sights. He also claims they've told him that commanders have referred to weapons with the sights as "spiritually transformed firearm[s] of Jesus Christ."

He said coded biblical inscriptions play into the hands of "those who are calling this a Crusade."

According to a government contracting watchdog group,, Trijicon had more than $100 million in government contracts in fiscal year 2008. The Michigan company won a $33 million Pentagon contract in July, 2009 for a new machine gun optic, according to Defense Industry Daily. The company's earnings from the U.S. military jumped significantly after 2005, when it won a $660 million long-term contract to supply the Marine Corps with sights.

"This is probably the best example of violation of the separation of church and state in this country," said Weinstein. "It's literally pushing fundamentalist Christianity at the point of a gun against the people that we're fighting. We're emboldening an enemy."

As usual Brent Bozo's MRC operation took offense to ABC's report because the company that makes this garbage (Trijicon) wasn't included in his report. "ABC's Brian Ross Hyperventilates Over 'Secret Bible Codes' on Military Guns"

Sure, he hyperventilated. Scott Whitlock doesn't seem to understand this type of insane circus clown logic when applied to weapons is seriously deluded.

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