O'Reilly Defends His Use Of Nazi Analogy Because It's Different When HE Does It:UPDATED With The KKK

Rep. Steve Cohen's "Big Lie" theory really got the RWNM up in arms. Megyn Kelly told a guest on her show that nobody ever made a Nazi reference to attack the left on FOX News, ever/ She knows she said, because she watches the network, do

Rep. Steve Cohen's "Big Lie" theory really got the RWNM up in arms.

Megyn Kelly told a guest on her show that nobody ever made a Nazi reference to attack the left on FOX News, ever/ She knows she said, because she watches the network, do you? here at C&L we've documented the many cases of FOX News hosts using the "Nazi" analogy. Glenn beck frequently uses it as has Bill O'Reilly. Well, Jon Stewart and the Daily Show rebutted Megyn's claim and strung together a host of Fox Newsers using the Nazi analogy which included BillO and someone even used it on Kelly's own show.

Bill O'Reilly got very upset about Stewart's piece and so he responded to it in his Personal Segment and briefly addressed his audience in his very own way.

O'Reilly: Jon Stewart didn't defend the man but he believes there's this hypocrisy in play and that I your humble correspondent am a part of it.

[O'Reilly from 2008]: If you look back at what happened in Germany and what Hitler and his cutthroats did back then and the hate filled blogs of what they're doing now.

And here is the context of that letter and that statement...

Bill then goes through the back story explaining why he compared the Huffington Post to Hitler. It turns out that Bill was infuriated not by an article or a blog post on the Huffington Post, but rather a nasty comment -- that was later deleted -- about Nancy Reagan. Now the high comedy begins, watch....

I'll submit to you ladies and gentleman that my comparison of the vile Nazi propaganda machine is dead on. you can make the call on that. Jon Stewart didn't mention Nancy Reagan or the context of my remarks, he just used a short clip of a much longer statement....


Congressman Cohen directed his comments at Republicans who oppose Obamacare and classified them as using Nazi propaganda techniques. That's what he did. I pointed out a hateful post on the Huffington Post that should never have appeared, should have been taken down.

Did you just see that? He conned his audience into thinking that his Nazi analogy was taken out of context and appropriate because he used it to attack the Huffington Post, but Rep. Steve Cohen's was not because he used it against Republicans. That's FOX Logic, ladies and gentleman fronm your humble author...
Oh, by the way. using the incredible C&L archives I found a few other times Bill has been justified to call people Nazis. .. Back in December of 2005, Bill O'Reilly called people who protested an Ann Coulter appearance zealots and Nazis..

2007 when he attacked Kos during his attack on Jet Blue:

who actually disagreed with him over the same comment.

O'Reilly: What's the difference between the KKK and Arianna Huffington? What's the difference?

Ham: I think there is a difference,.

O'Reilly: I don't see any difference between Huffington and the Nazis. It's her, It's her, It's her...I didn't say she's a Nazi.

Ham: Alright.

O'Reilly: There's no difference between what the two do.

So in O'Reilly World, as long as he thinks he's applied the proper context to call somebody a Nazi -- in this case, a deleted comment from an anonymous person -- in which he smeared the entire Huffington Post, then that's A-OK. Media Matters writes: So O'Reilly's defense for comparing the "hate-filled blogs" to Nazis is that one random commenter on the Huffington Post said something cruel about Nancy Reagan in a comment that was later deleted. Funny how the full context doesn't actually make his Nazi analogy seem all that reasonable. And he's also cool with painting people he disagrees with as "The KKK." Very twisted logic indeed.

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