PJMTV Is Comedy Gold: Malkin, Reynolds And Joe The Plumber Discuss Stimulus

I was reading Digby and I saw that she linked to a John Cole post about the absurdity of Pajamas MediaTV. This is too much. There is so much to love

I was reading Digby and I saw that she linked to a John Cole post about the absurdity of Pajamas MediaTV.

This is too much.

There is so much to love about this, I don’t know where to start, but certainly Joe the Plumber bemoaning the lack of spending cuts and general program cuts in the stimulus bill was a highlight. It is almost as if he doesn’t have the first damned clue what he is talking about. A close runner-up would be Instapundit heralding Bush’s MBA as evidence of his awesome managerial skills. There was just so much to love, it is hard to narrow down the “best” parts.

I really don’t understand how bipartisanship is ever going to work when one of the parties is insane. Imagine trying to negotiate an agreement on dinner plans with your date, and you suggest Italian and she states her preference would be a meal of tire rims and anthrax. If you can figure out a way to split the difference there and find a meal you will both enjoy, you can probably figure out how bipartisanship is going to work the next few years.

Joe the Plumber, who was obliterated by FOX's Sheppard Smith and a man who used government programs to survive wants government programs cut to stimulate the economy. And he's bitching about the GOP only wanting to cut half of President Obama's stimulus proposal. He's the new media star for Instapundit's operation. LOL ... You can't make this stuff up.

Joe the Plumber, the welfare queen:

Plumber Joe: Was it patriotic for Joe Biden to say "take my money and give it to other people? That's patriotism?

Colmes: Well, let me ask, you were on welfare once, was that taking somebodies else's money and giving it to you?

Plumber Joe: Paid into welfare. It something to be used, not to be abused like it often is.

Spoken like a true wingnut. He's perfect for FOX News. Colmes nailed him pretty good. He talks about his principles at the end of the clip, but really they are no principles at all, just the principle of a wingnut.

Jed has more:

So it turns out that when Plumber Joe was a child, he was on welfare, not once, but twice, and he credits it with helping his family ultimately lead a middle-class life style. He defends having received welfare by saying that he's subsequently paid into the system.

Suddenly we have Joe The Reasonable, right? Well, not exactly. Plumber Joe has got something of a tax dodging problem. In the end, he's just another typical Republican hypocrite.

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