Michelle Obama And Ellen DeGeneres Compete For The Most Push-Ups. Who Wins?
Michelle Obama and Ellen DeGeneres Do Push-Ups. Who Wins?
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[h/t SFGate]
Here's a hint: The First Lady works out for 90 minutes every day. She doesn't just promote a healthy lifestyle. She lives one. I admit laughing out loud when, at the end, she confesses that she "just stopped", letting Ellen know she could have gone on for more.
After 25 pushups, I'd be on the floor gasping for air. Mrs. Obama isn't even breathing hard. She'll need that strength to fight all of the right-wing crazy tossed at her and the President on the campaign trail.
Kudos to Ellen DeGeneres for even trying after having a crazy week fending off right-wing hate directed at her for daring to accept a job as JC Penney's new spokesperson.
Kick butt, ladies.