simply spew the same talking points of other Republicans and some sass when dealing with the
hackiest of the right wing hacks who take cheap pot shots at her. But there's no doubt that she is very young and perhaps
needs a little more historical perspective before opining on national television.
It all got started during a discussion of George Bush, who McCain acknowledged was a less than perfect president. But McCain also pointed a finger at the Obama administration in Bush's defense, saying she felt that the Obama administration "has to stop completely blaming everything on its predecessor." When Maher asked McCain if she really thought this is what Obama is doing, McCain said "I do to a degree." A clearly annoyed Begala immediately shook his head and said "not to enough of a degree, I'm sorry not nearly enough." He then began to explain how President Reagan blamed Jimmy Carter for years, to which McCain responded blithely "you know I wasn't born yet so I wouldn't know." Going in for the kill, Begala fired back "I wasn't born during the French Revolution but I know about it."
McCain then reverts to the tried and true Republican tactic of playing the victim:
You clearly know everything and I'm just the blond sitting here.
Meghan, Meghan, can stand up to Laura Ingraham and yet you just wilt in front of Paul Begala and play victim? Is it having facts and an actual historical perspective instead of just making crap up to play to the lowest common denominator that intimidates you?