I shouldn't be so flippant about this, because one of the things that aggravates me the most is Bush's pig-headedness and inability to adjust to new information, however, I can't help but get a little flip-flopping dig in there.
U.S. diplomats will attend a conference on Iraq to which envoys from Iran and Syria are invited, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said at a Senate budget hearing today.
"We hope all governments will seize this opportunity to improve their relations with Iraq, and to work for peace and stability in the region," Rice told the Senate Appropriations Committee.
Iraq invited all neighboring countries to the conference next month, which is aimed at improving security in the country amid daily attacks on civilians. It would mark the first time the U.S. has sat with Iran and Syria to look at Iraq's future, an initiative that lawmakers and a bipartisan panel of American statesmen have sought.
The Bush administration has refused to conduct direct talks with Syria and Iran about Iraq's security, saying those governments are fomenting sectarian violence there and aiding attacks on U.S. troops. Syria's ambassador to the United Nations, Bashar Ja'afari, said today his government hasn't decided whether to attend. Rice said she didn't know if Iran had agreed to participate.