Tucker (whose rating are on life support) had on Jonah to talk about his new "Dick Cheney Fan Club" article and boy, did he have a grand old time sharing the love of Dick Cheney. As Jonah loquaciously describes his feelings about Cheney----Tucker asked him why lefties simply hate Darthman. What reason could any civilized person on the face of the earth have for disliking Mr. Cheney? Goldberg's answer left me speechless. Email Jonah here....
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Tucker: ....you're apt to see hyperventilation. People hate Cheney on this visceral level. What is so hate-able about Dick Cheney?
Goldberg: I have no, I really...I truly have no idea. I like Dick Cheney. Love to have a beer with the guy---I think one of the things that bothers them is that he doesn't care! The opposite of love isn't hate---it's indifference....
Cheney simply doesn't care, that's what did it....I mean, WTF? Have a cold one with him by all means, but it seems Jonah downed a twelve pack before he went on the air....He's either not very bright, really doesn't know---or is lying...What say you, Mr. Goldberg? I'm sure he'll tell you he's brilliant since he works for the wingnut welfare queens over at the NRO....Well, here's a few reasons why Cheney's such an odious man:
1) Architect (along with his neocon cabal) of the worst foreign blunder in U.S. history and an immoral war.
2) Cheerleader and or "chief of torture." Just ask Condi and Colin.
3) Mr. Law and Order doesn't actually obey the law regarding his office.
4) Secret Energy Commission meeting
5) Chickenhawk (five deferments) who sends others off to fight his wars.
6) The leaking of Valerie's Plame name.
7) Scooter Libby and Mary Matalin.
Please add to the list...
Goldberg apologizes for Bush too. I thought #43 was elected to actually know something about policy and not be a fraking "moral" cheerleader. And...attacking countries that haven't attacked us is "immoral."