This was just creepy. If you haven't seen it, check out this video of Chris Matthews fawning all over CNBC's Erin Burnett on last Friday's "Hardball." Anyone who watches MSNBC's "Morning Joe" knows Burnett gets the same slimy treatment from Joe Scarborough too. He's like a giddy school boy at the mention of her name. Digby goes deeper into the piggish nature of Matthews behavior...
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MATTHEWS: Could you get a little closer to the camera?
BURNETT: My -- what is it? Is it zooming in strangely?
MATTHEWS: Come on in closer. No, come in -- come in further -- come in closer. Really close.
BURNETT: What are you -- what are you doing?
MATTHEWS: Just kidding! You look great! Anyway, thanks. Erin, it's great to -- look at that look. You're great.
BURNETT: I don't even know. I'm going to have to go look at the tape here. I'm in a strange location.
MATTHEWS: No, you're beautiful. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. You're a knockout. Anyway, thank you, Erin Burnett.
BURNETT: All right, Chris. See you later.
MATTHEWS: It's all right getting bad news from you, even, OK? Thanks for coming on Hardball. Read more...