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Lynne Cheney went to pimp her latest book (no Western lesbian scenes, sorry, folks) on The Daily Show. True to his distaste for the vitriol that passes for news discourse on most American stations, Jon kept it civil, but made his points, albeit while admitting that it was both uncomfortable and unfair to hold the wife responsible for actions of the husband.
The most revealing point was when Cheney trotted out that most tired Republican line that we haven't been attacked since 9/11. Thankfully, Jon showed--in the most polite way possible--how completely disingenuous that talking point is.
CHENEY: You know, I think when the history books are written, that we will look back on this period of time and we will say, on 9/11, we really thought within six months, we would be attacked again, maybe six weeks. It's been more than six years and that is not an accident. I think this administration - my husband and the President - deserve a lot of credit for that.
CHENEY: Good (laughter)
STEWART: Well, alright. There was, I mean, there was the anthrax thing. And then there was-well, you know, the first time they bombed the World Trade Center, it was eight years until we got attacked again. And they weren't apparently doing anything...
CHENEY: Well, yes, but there were many attacks in between 1993 and the World Trade Centers coming down in 2001. Remember the USS Cole, for example. There were worldwide bombings going on, the bombings in embassies in Africa. So the terrorists weren't reluctant to damage American interests and kill Americans. Friends?
STEWART: We are friends, it's know they have been doing that all these past six years. They've been...I mean, you know, the Spanish bombing and the English bombing and all the bombs in Iraq...
CHENEY: Yes, but I'm talking about American interests
STEWART: Aren't we interested in...? Alright, I assumed that they were our allies.