After Bill O'Reilly had an altercation with Marvin Nicholson, Obama's National Trip Director---he crashes and asks Obama if he'll come on The Factor.
Download (QT lower quality) (very rough transcript)
Obama: There's a whole bunch of people over there I've got to talk to.
O'reilly: Thank you very much, You're a good guy. We like you.
Obama: After the primary we'll go on.
O'Reilly: After New Hampshire.
Obama: After the primary.
BillO is saving the video that he filmed of the shouting match he had with Nicholson and this piece of video for his Monday show and I wonder if O'Reilly will air the entire segment that led the Secret Service to tell him to calm down as has been reported or will he show an edited version of it? Since FOX had smeared Obama early on in the primary process he has pretty much frozen them out (via the Washington Post: Obama's Grudge Factor) and refused to go on a FOX debate so I hope he remembers that. Here are a few more examples of their nastiness.
FOXNews Teaser Says Obama Made 5 Yr Old Cry - It Was A Lie
Ann Coulter Links Barack Obama To Terrorism On Fox News
Gibson is just plain “FOX stupid” on Obama and smoking
Hannity attacked Obama's church.
Barack has pretty much refused to deal with the Roger Ailes operation and the only way BillO figured he'd have a chance to ask Obama to come on his show was to force his way in. I have a feeling Obama was still caught up in the moment after he finished his speech so I'm asking him now---do not go on The O'Reilly Factor. Do not give him or FOX Noise a chance to benefit from your presence after that network has viciously smeared you and attacked the entire Democratic Party and Progressive ideals every chance they get and will continue to do long after your appearance is over.