January 27, 2008

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Jay: Under the tortured logic of protecting America against terrorism, the WH has decided to exercise frankly its own form of political terrorism and has taken the FISA bill hostage.

Those are powerful words from a man that was helping the telecoms to get immunity. Cheney/Bush and McConnell's actions have even pushed him over the edge.

Jane Hamsher:

Cloture vote fails, 48-45, with Landrieu, Ben Nelson and Mark Pryor voting with the Republicans.

McCONNELL: Urges everyone to vote against 30 day extension. Said they may have to do a "short extension" but the President has said he will veto a 30 day.

REID: House will pass a 30 day extension tomorrow. People crying "wolf" here a bit too often.

Glenn Greenwald

Victories of any kind are so rare that I'm reluctant to dampen the enthusiasm -- and it is notable that, regardless of their motives, Senate Democrats did actually manage to do something different than the White House ordered them to do, so that's good. But it's important to emphasize what really happened here today, and what didn't happen...read on

Chris Dodd: "I Will Continue to Fight Retroactive Immunity with all the Strength Any One Senator Can Muster "

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