Leading into the weekend, Scott Walker finally had memorized his answer to the expected question about Indiana's debacle. And as expected, Walker put his foot into it, calling those opposed to Indiana's law as chronic complainers:
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker told a conservative crowd this week that people around the country protesting Indiana's religious freedom law are "looking for ways to be upset about things."
Indiana has come under fire — and the state has faced the threat of business boycotts — because of a law approved last week that critics say would allow businesses to discriminate against gays for religious reasons. Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, a Republican, has defended the law, but on Thursday signed a follow-up measure aimed at ensuring businesses could not engage in discrimination.
Walker, who is ramping up a run for the presidency, dismissed the controversy Wednesday night as part of "Insight 2015," a live taping of Charlie Sykes' WTMJ-AM (620) program.
"I just think this is people who are chronically looking for ways to be upset about things instead of really looking at what it is," Walker said.
But there's more. With all things Walker, there is always more.
Walker can't talk about any issue without adding a lie or two:
Blaming the national media for creating "hype and hysteria" over the Indiana law, Walker noted Wisconsin's constitution has long included a provision for religious freedom. Indiana's law is similar to a federal statute and ones approved by other states, Walker said.
"I believe protecting religious freedom is inherent in our state constitution," Walker said. "Heck, it's inherent in our U.S. Constitution. And in Wisconsin we've done it and we're stronger for it."
Before this interview, Walker also stated that he did not anticipate Wisconsin passing any laws like Indiana's:
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said he doesn’t anticipate Wisconsin adopting a law like Indiana’s controversial new Religious Freedom Restoration Act, but in the meantime he anticipates Wisconsin Badgers fans will nevertheless flock to the team’s NCAA Final Four game in Indianapolis Saturday.
Walker, during a press conference in Milwaukee Monday, responded to several questions on the law signed March 26 by Republican Indiana Gov. Mike Pence prohibiting state and local governments from interfering with a person’s right to exercise religious freedom. Opponents of the law fear that some businesses would exercise the option of denying service to members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.
When asked whether he anticipates Wisconsin would ever pass a law similar to Indiana’s, Walker said: “That’s not anything that’s been debated in the past at any great length,” he said. “We’ll have to see.”
Both of these statements are lies.
Wisconsin's current law is nowhere near as extreme as Indiana's recently passed law. Although, contrary to what Walker said, he and his Teapublican allies tried to pass such a law in 2013.
The egregiousness of Walker's lies prompted a strong response from State Representative Chris Taylor (D-Madison):
“We should be ever vigilant as lawmakers to avoid writing hate and discrimination into our laws. That’s why it was so troubling to hear about Indiana’s discriminatory Religious Freedom Restoration Act.
“Governor Walker said he doesn’t anticipate Wisconsin adopting a similar law. Yet, we’ve seen legislation introduced in the name of religious freedom in Wisconsin. For example, 2013 Assembly Joint Resolution 43 would amend Wisconsin’s constitution to prohibit the state from infringing upon ‘the right of conscience, which includes the right to engage in activity or refrain from activity based on a sincerely held religious belief...’
“Governor Walker shouldn’t get away with claiming something like the Indiana law can’t happen here when a religious freedom constitutional amendment was introduced just last session with 25 Republican co-sponsors. After all, the group that led the efforts on Wisconsin’s discrimination amendment that prohibits marriage equality in Wisconsin told the Capital Times in January that their main focus for this legislative session would be to ‘advance legislation incentivizing marriage and protecting individual conscience rights.’ At a time when we may very well see these attacks on equality here in Wisconsin, I call on Governor Walker today to pledge to oppose AJR-43 and any and all future such legislation in Wisconsin.”
What was that about fascism, a cross and an American flag?