"I was mostly shocked. I’m supposed to be moving here soon. And that’s what I see on there. I was about to leave. I felt like I wasn’t wanted here.”
Texas Racists Deface Neighbor's Truck Over His Black Houseguest
Credit: KHOU
July 6, 2015

Wow. All because this guy had the audacity to have a black friend stay with him?

When Josh Joseph went to visit his friends Darren and Hayli Frank in Spring, Texas, there was no way he could ever have anticipated the kind of hateful actions they would be subjected to as a result. Josh is black, and the Franks are white. No big deal, right?

Darren Frank owns a Chevy truck valued at $50,000. He parks the truck in his driveway. Always has. And it had never been a problem until his friend Josh came to visit while looking for a job in the area. When the family awoke the morning after Joseph arrived, they found it spray painted with some of the vilest, most hateful things you can possibly imagine, including “n****r lovers” and “KKK.”

Darren Frank says:

“They put KKK all over it. I have no affiliation with the clan whatsoever! My black friend, he’s been here for two days. Me and him hung out in the yard and just mowed the grass and hanging out around the house yesterday. We woke up this morning and he goes, ‘Man you need to go look at your truck!’”

Josh Joseph says he’s not sure he feels safe staying in the neighborhood now, even for a visit: “I was mostly shocked. I’m supposed to be moving here soon. And that’s what I see on there. I was about to leave. I felt like I wasn’t wanted here.”

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