September 6, 2016

While the rest of the world was paying attention to Fox News' costly settlement with Gretchen Carlson, Fox & Friends was in their own world, playing doctor with each other to see who could be most concerned about Hillary's coughing.

This is your daily reminder that all cable news is absurd, but none more absurd than Fox News.

First up, Steve Doocy. "Now people are saying, why is her, you know, throat sore, why is she hacking?"

Duh, I dunno, Steve. Maybe because when you spend an entire year on airplanes and in halls speaking it's really tough on your throat? Maybe ask why your hero Trump sounds like a gravelly frog instead?

He continued, "I know Ed Klein who's written a couple of books about the Clintons, he has talked about how famously she fell down a couple of years ago, got the blood clot in her brain and then she's been taking medicine for that and for a thyroid condition and one of the side effects of the thyroid medicine is you do wind up with these bouts of coughing."

Thank you, Dr. Doocy for that bit of insight, straight out of the fevered brain of serial liar Ed Klein.

Ainsley Earhardt was very, very concerned. "See I was thinking, so she coughed. We all have allergies, we all have our coughing spells but it doesn't look good when you have all of these conspiracy theories about her health."

Whose fault is that, again, Ainsley? Hmmmm?

She then indulged herself in a bit of fan fiction. "And I'm sure when she was at the podium she was freaking out, thinking, oh my gosh, what am I going to say?"

Oh, I'm sure she was just flipping out over it, because don't we all worry about what people are going to say when that annoying little tickle at the back of your throat ends up interfering with what you're saying? And don't you just think to yourself, I KNOW! I'll go have a PRESS CONFERENCE TO DISTRACT EVERYONE.

Apparently, in Ainsley's imagination, these things do happen.

"Then she goes on her plane and I think she thought, I needed to divert attention away from my hacking, from my coughing so let me speak to the press and that's why she went on the plane and was so excited. Then she started coughing on the plane," Earhardt nattered.

The idea of any Fox & Friends host having the slightest clue of what might be going on in Hillary Clinton's mind is, well...hilarious.

The idea of anyone wasting bandwidth on this ridiculous speculation when there really are major issues that ought to be of concern to everyone is just frustrating.

Is this really how we're going to spend the last 60 days of this interminable campaign? REALLY?

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