February 19, 2011

Kris Parker, aka KRS-One, is one of those artists who, though excellent at what he did best, was a bit ignored by a larger audience due to, well, changing fads in the genre. Make no mistake, though: The man was, and still is, a giant on the stand.

KRS-One faced more adversity than chart success. In 1987, his friend and Boogie Down Productions partner, DJ Scott LaRock, was shot and killed while attempting to negotiate a peace between another BDP member and some local gangstas in the Bronx, which led KRS-One to turn away from the burgeoning gangsta rap scene (for which BDP is often credited as an early pioneer) and form the Stop the Violence Movement. My Philosophy, recorded and released in 1988, stands as a sort mission statement for the Stop the Violence Movement.

Parker's career is still active, and he remains an activist...And his music remains very creative and thoughtful.

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