A double feature today from FOX News' resident clown Steven Crowder, who most recently compared food stamp recipients to animals. This time, he proves yet again that right-wingers have absolutely no idea what socialism is. In this first tweet,
September 6, 2012

A double feature today from FOX News' resident clown Steven Crowder, who most recently compared food stamp recipients to animals. This time, he proves yet again that right-wingers have absolutely no idea what socialism is. (updated)

In this first tweet, he erroneously dates socialism to the 18th century, which would be an understandable mistake if he were still in the sixth grade. (One wondered: did he actually think that socialism originated in the 18th century, or was he just confused about the fact that the 1800s are the 19th century? One never knows with wingnuts.)


Then, after being mocked for it, he deleted it.

But then for some odd reason, he decided double down on that thought, and tweeted this:


So clearly, he actually does think that the Founding Fathers launched the American Revolution to escape the tyranny of King George's socialist British Empire. Glad we cleared that up!

In future tweets, Crowder will explain how the US defeated French fascism in World War I and praise Ronald Reagan for building the Grand Canyon.

Now, Crowder's claiming that socialism has been around since, oh, forever. What an idiot.

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