Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points Memo segment last night was a classic of blithe self-contradiction:
You may have noticed that "The Factor" has not nitpicked Barack Obama. We don't play the gotcha game because that doesn't do you any good. This is not a time for ideology. This is a time for problem-solving.
Far-left zealots want to destroy America so they can rebuild it as a socialistic paradise, a hyper-Sweden. Those people are dangerous, and we will watch them closely.
Evidently, on Planet BillO, those misunderestimated geniuses of the right (like BillO himself) who collectively created our current mess are in fact benignly non-ideological public servants whose input is of course expected. Since the "far left" in BillO's book these days includes the New York Times, labor unions, and various mainstream liberal entities, BillO seemingly believes the input of the people who got Obama elected should be verboten. Listen to tax-cut-freedom-loving conservatives instead!
It won't be long, of course, before BillO The Walking Oxymoron decides that Obama has become captive of those evil far-left socialists.
In fact, that was what he was saying before the election. So it won't exactly be a big leap.
But for now, we get the kabuki dance. Yawn. It's so predictable.