(Split Enz during an earlier incarnation - the sheep appeared unfazed) Back to the 70s this weekend with Split Enz live in London in via the BBC 19
February 20, 2010


(Split Enz during an earlier incarnation - the sheep appeared unfazed)

Back to the 70s this weekend with Split Enz live in London in via the BBC 1977. The band would undergo personnel changes soon after this tour, unfortunately giving up the stage trappings (and the costumes) in the process. But they emerged a more polished and committed band and achieved a lot of chart success before splintering off and eventually morphing into Crowded House. As I said in earlier posts, they were clearly one-of-a-kind and almost impossible to pigeonhole. Because of that, they were able to weather a lot of shifts in public taste, those vagaries of pop-culture that often dictate if a band stays on a label or not.

Thankfully, Split Enz are way beyond that.


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