September 20, 2024

Representative Glenn Grothman (R-All you can eat buffet) went on C-SPAN's Washington Journal and made the wild claim that, because of the Democrats, immigrants were coming into the country and immediately voting. His proof? Just a hunch:

GROTHMAN: Why did all but three Democrats vote against a provision yesterday that you have to prove that you're a citizen before you vote? I mean, isn't that a bizarre vote to take? But that is sadly where the Democrat Party is right now. They can't wait a few years until some of these new immigrants become citizens or until they have children they become citizens. The Democrat Party is so radical right now that they want these people voting immediately. And if they don't want them to vote, fine, just have them show their citizens.

C-SPAN HOST: What's the evidence that it's happening? Where have you seen that?

GROTHMAN: I haven't seen it, but we know it's happening, right?

They know it's happening. Just like they know that Joe Biden was involved in influence peddling schemes with Hunter Biden. Just like they know Haitians are eating cats and dogs in Springfield, Ohio. Just like they know Biden cheated to get more votes in 2020 even though no other Democrat did. For a bunch of know nothings, they sure know a lot of stuff.

But wait! There's more. There's always more.

People calling into the show weren't about to let Grothman get away with his bullshit:

From Raw Story:

"The congressman made an error," an independent caller named David told the lawmaker. "He said that illegal immigrants are voting in California. And I have actual proof that that is not the case."

The caller noted that a Social Security number was required to register to vote in his area.

"I found this out inadvertently when I was registering my mother," David explained. "She was an immigrant and has been over here for 40 years. She finally got her citizenship."

"We went to register her to vote online at the registrar, and I typoed one of the characters on her social security number, and it rejected the application," he continued. "In other words, you actually have to be a citizen in order to register to vote in California."

After being confronted, Grothman pulled the old "people in Wisconsin told me" routine. But you know that's just another lie, right?

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