Sen John McCain has been acting not like a statesman or a man who got his ass kicked in the general election, but like a spoiled rich kid who is angry that his daddy didn't buy him a new Corvette for spring break. I've never seen the loser of a Presidential election so quickly oppose everything the winner is proposing and ran on in their battle for the presidency. Usually they will have more dignity and honor as the new term begins.
FOX News has been relentless in it's 'Just say No to Obama,' coverage in what they try to pass off as a news channel and today Wallace tried to reach for the stars in idiocy with this exchange. At the end of the interview he asked McCain how he thought PRESIDENT Obama was doing in the job and then said something I had to rewind a bunch of times to see if I wasn't hallucinating.
Wallace: How do you think he's doing so far?
McCain: I think he's working very hard. I think he continues to have the support of the majority of the American people. I think he's making very serious mistake in this budget which will have very dangerous consequences in increasing taxes no matter who it is....
Wallace: You ever feel like saying ' I told you so?"
McCain: Oh, I'm sure that would be pleasant feeling, but the point is we're in such a severe crisis....
"I told you so?" WTF is that? How dare Wallace ask that question? Have you no decency, sir? President Obama barely has had a chance to sit down in the Oval office and grab a cup of coffee and this jerk is basically calling him a failure and touting John McCain's ideology as the correct one even though it was that ideology that got us into this mess.
And America solidly rejected John McCain and Sarah Palin to run this country. And it's the same ideology that is being used to obstruct every move Obama makes to try and dig us out.
Do these right wing hacks understand that Obama's legislation hasn't had time to work or even fail at this point? There basis of criticism is all the about the stock market. The "STOCK Market!" The gasbags in suits that put us in this position. Do they also not understand that America hates Wall Street at this point?
And then Wallace asked McCain about his daughter's dating problems. Wow, the daughter of a beer heiress multi-millionaire whining about her love life because guys want her to be their Cindy. I'll have more on that one in due time.