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I'm no fan of Ron Paul or most of his beliefs, but at least his supporters are against the wars and those that started it.
via PamsHouseBlend:
The annual convention has attracted about 11,000 conservatives to the nation's capital, many of them young supporters of libertarian icon Ron Paul. They were ready this afternoon to show their opposition to the Bush administration when former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was presented with the conference's "Defenders of the Constitution" award.Loud boos resounded through the convention hall as Rumsfeld's name was announced on stage. The numerous young attendees got up from their seats and filed out of the room in protest.
The commotion only grew when former Vice President Dick Cheney surprised the audience by showing up to honor his longtime friend and White House colleague.
The crowd was on its feet, some cheering "Cheney for president!" The boos from CPAC's libertarian contigent continued and at times interrupted Cheney's remarks. "America is stronger and more secure" because of Rumsfeld's service, Cheney said, prompting one person to loudly shout, "Where's bin Laden at!"
Mediate writes: However, as the chants of “USA! USA!” died down, a voice screaming “War criminal!” could be heard
It was all very odd, especially considering that when Cheney appeared as the "surprise guest" at last year's CPAC he was greeted with the kind of cheers generally reserved for a rock star. But Team Paul -- whose numbers appear to have grown at CPAC in 2011 -- were not going to let that happen this time around.
"Uh, Defender of the Constitution?" Justin Bradfield of Maryland scoffed when I caught up with him after he walked out of Rumsfeld's speech. "Let's see: he expanded the Defense Department more than pretty much any other defense secretary and he enforced the Patriot Act."
The absurdity that conservative groups like CPAC can actually honor men like Cheney and Rumsfeld is mind-boggling. Cheney used the Office of Legal Counsel as his personal attorneys to justify every disgusting action the Bush administration took, including those that undermined our integrity and democracy. America is less safe and more vulnerable around the world because of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld's lust for war with Iraq. And by the way, many of our allies have been made less safe because of their actions. Just ask the UK and Spain, to name a few, after they were hideously attacked by extremists.