This is Ed Schultz' outstanding segment last night on the insanity going on in Michigan right now. As I write this, thousands of protesters are flooding the capitol in Lansing, Michigan to protest the state legislature's cramdown passage of
December 11, 2012

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This is Ed Schultz' outstanding segment last night on the insanity going on in Michigan right now. As I write this, thousands of protesters are flooding the capitol in Lansing, Michigan to protest the state legislature's cramdown passage of right-to-work laws.

Ed has some stunning statistics, but the one that should most stun is this: only SIX PERCENT of people in Michigan support the lame duck legislature addressing this issue.

After being condemned by endorsees like the Detroit Free Press for ramming through a law like this without any debate or consideration, Governor Rick Snyder should sit back and realize he has an opportunity and a decision to make.

If he signs this bill into law, he will serve the six percent who support taking undemocratic action to destroy the middle class and workers all over this country.

If he vetoes it, he will serve the 94 percent who do not want this law crammed down their throats in a lame-duck session of the Michigan legislature.

That's his choice. The people or the oligarchs. He can be a hero or a pariah. Granted, he could be a wealthy pariah, but still a pariah.

If Snyder is interested in any kind of political career beyond where he is now, he should choose to serve the 94 percent. If he isn't, then he will sign it and take his place as a Tool of Oligarchy.

His call.

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