November 20, 2008

Ted Stevens, Congress' longest-serving Republican and recently convicted felon, delivered his farewell speech today on the Senate floor. I understand the camaraderie of the world's greatest deliberative body and Stevens' 40+ years of service, but its pretty surreal to watch the Senate give a standing ovation to someone who was just found guilty by a jury of his peers on a whopping seven felony counts. I gotta admit: Stevens went out gracefully and his embrace of Senator Byrd is some compelling stuff. That said, good riddance and congratulations to Senator-elect Mark Begich.

"I don't have any rear-view mirror, I look only forward. And I still see the day when I can remove the cloud that currently surrounds me. My motto has always been 'to hell with politics, just do what's right for Alaska.' And I've tried every day to live up to those words."

Looks like Ted is suffering from the Palin denial disease, whereby someone who has been found guilty of something simply refuses to acknowledge that they indeed were found guilty. Must be that Alaskan water.

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