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I would be shocked, shocked to find out that someone would make such a deal! In this particular case, Arlen Specter may be telling the truth, because he really hates deals that compromise his autonomy:
Santorum, who opposes abortion, takes some hits from conservatives for supporting Specter, who is pro-choice, in the 2004 Republican senatorial election against Pat Toomey. Santorum, responding to former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney during the debate, said he struck a deal with Specter for his political support that year. Santorum claimed Specter pledged to support any nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court from then-President George W. Bush in return for political support.
"That is flatly not true," Specter says just after the 3-minute mark in this video. "We never had any such conversation. It would be improper to make a commitment on a vote before I knew who the nominee was and whether I thought the nominee was qualified."