Anything that shows up the Republicans for the shameless, showboating hypocrites they are is okay with me: Even as Republicans gear up for a vote to repeal health care reform, one progressive House member is making a renewed push for the public
January 7, 2011


Anything that shows up the Republicans for the shameless, showboating hypocrites they are is okay with me:

Even as Republicans gear up for a vote to repeal health care reform, one progressive House member is making a renewed push for the public option.

On Wednesday, the first day of the 112th Congress, Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) introduced a measure to establish a robust public health insurance option as a supplement to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

The California congresswoman argued that the plan, which pays physicians 5 percent more than Medicare rates, would lower insurance costs and address deficit concerns, pointing to a Congressional Budget Office report saying it would cut the deficit by $68 billion.

"This is the perfect moment for the public option," Woolsey said. "It builds on the health care reform legislation by lowering costs and it provides a great way to bring down the deficit."

She added: "If Republicans really care about the deficit, they should sign on to this bill rather than try to dismantle the health care reform law, which would add billions to the budget deficit."

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