Oh, Bill. You have truly taken a right turn into Crazytown, haven't you? The Falafel Guy's latest incursion in his one man war against DailyKos is to paint the Democratic presidential contenders' attendance at Yearly Kos as being coerced by the big scary bloggers, thus painting the blogosphere as some virtual motorcycle gang terrorizing the easily frightened Dem candidates (a two for one smear!). And what has brought on the Wrath of Bill? What has proven, beyond all rational thought, that DailyKos is a site of "haters"?
This picture, allegedly posted at DailyKos "for years"...prepare yourself for the shock:
And according to Billo, you DON'T hate on Lieberman like this. I mean, how DARE they??? Do you need any other proof of the wild hatred of the liberal blogosphere? The morally upright conservatives in the blogosphere would never do something like that. They wouldn't defend pedophiles, blame victims of senseless tragedy, or make up non-existent threats from non-existent gangs like the scary liberal bloggers, right?
UPDATE: Scarce sent me the continuation on Bill's War on InDecency, speaking to Lanny Davis and Heritage Foundation's Genevieve Wood on how terrible Dkos is. Of course, Bill picks Joe Lieberman's best friend for the left balance.
The General enlists in the Franco-Falafel war with an Open Letter to Bill O'Reilly.
And Bill Scher and Will Bunch explain to Billo why Democrats should attend YKos.