Corey Lewandowski Is The ‘Shithole’
This is sick.
Corey Lewandowski lowered the bar even more if that's possible in his effort to mansplain away Trump's racist "shithole" comment about Haiti and other African nations.
Many of Trump's surrogates defended Donald by making believe they don't remember what he said at the meeting.
Others are trying to explain that Haiti is an actual shithole or that refugees and immigrants from black countries aren't worthy of immigrating to America because of some mystical meritocracy concept.
However, Lewandowski's explanation made me think of "Renton" from Trainspotting, looking for his suppository fix of heroin in the bowels of the worst toilet in Scotland.
Why did Chris Cuomo even bother discussing the topic with this imbecile?
During their discussion, Cuomo asked, "It was -- I don't want brown people here. Why are going to have all these brown people? Why can't we have more people from Norway? What's the difference between the people of Sudan and Norway? Let's think, what's the main distinguishing about the characteristics between El Salvador, Sudan, Haiti, and Norway? Could it be white people?"
But Corey, a f*cking piece of shite if there ever was one, put it this way to CNN's Chris Cuomo on his shiny new Cuomo Prime program.
Corey cued it up said, "I can tell you."
"What's the difference?"
"I'm happy to tell you if you want me to."
Cuomo replied, "Yes."
Lewandowski : "In Haiti the average person's income is $804 a year. In Norway, the average is $97,000 a year. Now if those refugees are going to come to United States, do you want a person who is average income is $800 a year and they're going to be a contributing member of society or do you want an average person whose income is $97,000? And these aren't my statistics, these are government statistics. And so -- "
What the f*ck!
When progressives tell you that Republicans only care about the upper classes and defecate on the working class, Corey's answer is the example.
He is measuring a persons worth between Norway, one of the highest income countries in the world to a person from an impoverished country that suffered a massive natural disaster like Haiti, by not who they are, but how high their perspective salaries are.
Case closed.
Corey's "facts" are a typical Kellyanne Conway defection tool and have nothing to do with what Trump said at all. He made racist statements, period.
It shouldn't be debated.
But since I am a media critic, I have to look at this pile of manure.
Oh, and why would any Norwegian making a hundred grand, with their way of life desire to forgo it so they could migrate to the U.S and contribute to our society? Only 362 Norwegians became legal residents in America in 2016.
As The Atlantic writes, Norway is the happiest country in the world.
Now, putting the numbers aside and I know it's tough since many liberals believe throwing out numbers and actual facts wins arguments against these creeps. Here's a hint, it doesn't.
We are dealing with a right wing side that are the worst kind of liars you'll ever face off with. Watching this video clip proves it.
You have to scream at them loudly and use the language and analogies that I've used for Corey. The time for pussyfooting around with these cretins is over.
I saw this debacle Friday evening, but couldn't get myself to watch it again until I began writing this piece.
There is no merit to Trump's words, only racism at its worst.
And these Trump minions are even worse than he is because they are doing triple axles without skates in an effort to blur the line of reason and reality.
UPDATE: Digby writes:,
"I know I keep saying this, but as Trump is getting worse, proving he is incapable of doing the job, melting down under the stress, these GOP henchmen are stepping up to back him.
These are Senators accusing fellow Senators of being liars to defend the most dishonest man on the face of the planet --- and daring the rest of us to say otherwise.
Tom Cotton is Trump with brains. Sonny Perdue is a weak sycophant. Rand Paul is vying for the role of racist overseer. They are all-in.