Trump Goes Off His Rocker: Mueller's People 'Trying To Take You Out With Bullshit'

Trump was so nutso during his CPAC speech on Saturday, he even dropped some profanity directed at Mueller's special counsel.

I wanted to highlight a portion of Trump's insane two hour speech at CPAC on Saturday.

Yeah, it lasted a long, long time, but his sycophants at that event are the wingnuttiest of them all and probably refused bathroom breaks because they were no urinal video centers available.

Nicole Belle wrote her take on the entire speech which she says previews the insane 2020 talking points the American people will be facing from Trump and his minions until we cast our ballots.

Nicole wrote, "If there is a better display of raging narcissism mixed with Adderall-infused dementia thriving on cult-like adoration, it's yet to be seen."

I think we can all agree to that.

During the unhinged speech Trump claimed Mueller's phony witch hunt is dying and "they don't have anything with Russia."

Has he met privately with Robert Mueller and seen all the evidence he's gathered so far? Methinks not. Another lie, but that's what he's really good at.

He was very angry that House Democrats are beginning to investigate him properly.

Trump said, "These people are sick. They're sick."

He called Chairman Adam Schiff, "Little Shifty Schiff." Funny how up in arms they all were at Rep. Ilhan Omar for what they insisted was anti-Semitism for criticizing AIPAC, but don't bat an eye when Trump refers to a Jewish man as "shifty," is it?

Trump then pivoted back by calling his election the greatest of all-time. "This is now greater than the election of Andrew Jackson."

And then he lost control.

"Unfortunately you put the wrong people in a couple of positions, and they leave people for a long time that should not be there and all of a sudden they're trying to take you out with bullshit," Trump said.

As Vox noted about the Mueller Special Counsel as of January 25th, 2019, "Special counsel Robert Mueller’s team has indicted or gotten guilty pleas from 34 people and three companies that we know of — the latest being longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone. That group is composed of six former Trump advisers, 26 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Seven of these people (including five of the six former Trump advisers) have pleaded guilty."

That's no bullsh*t. And he is not done as of today.

Trump then made fun of his former AG Jeff Sessions' accent, who rightfully recused himself and then called FBI investigators on the special counsel, "All killers."

Adderall-infused, indeed.

But to Trump, murderous thugs like Kim Jong-un, MBS and Putin are all really wonderful guys that he believes and admires and even looks up to.

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